Bio of the Company
Cane Haul Road, Ltd. started in 1975. It was founded by Gary Fujimoto, who had a fashion company called Gary's Garb. He asked Mary Mitsuda to recruit a group of current and former art students, who he would teach the basics of having an manufacturing business. At first there were nine of us innocents, and we started with a line of screen printed tote bags, we were 30 years ahead of the market. Within a year the majority of the other members left to do more sane things, and Carol Hasegawa and I decided to soldier on, to fulfill our obligations to the retailers who purchased our original line. From the very beginning, we focused on "local life", there were very few companies addressing this market. But the times were such, that there was a great deal of interest in being "local", and in celebrating our unique blend of cultures. In music, drama, comedy, dance, and writing, there was a blossoming of new work emphasizing what made Hawai`i, Hawai`i.
Now over 40 years later, we feel our basic design philosophy is still relevant, that our lifestyle is worth highlighting and sharing with the world.